Snowy Redwood Pine Artificial Christmas Tree


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Product Description

1.) Start with the bottom section of the tree and begin from the branches closest to the tree pole. Pull each individual tip upwards and outwards, working your way to the tip of the branches. Shape row by row to the upper part of the tree section. When one section is shaped, add on the next tree section and continue to shape the branches as described above.


Once you have finished shaping all the branches, look at the tree from a distance to look for areas that need more shaping to fill in any gaps. Pay attention to areas where the tree sections come together and adjust the branches accordingly for a nice seamless look.


If you have a pre-lit tree, shape the tree with the lights turned on to ensure that the lights are operating correctly.

Additional Information

Weight 5 kg
Dimensions 100 × 30 × 30 cm

210CM (7FT), 270CM (9FT), 400CM (13.2FT)

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